Notes, extracts, transcripts and articles of interest to family historians with an interest in Great Munden, Little Munden or Sacombe.

Submissions always welcome, please email the Mundens Webmaster. Also, any genealogy requests or replies to requests, should be sent to the webmaster and they will be posted on the website or passed back to the originator as appropriate.

Will and Inventory of William Cater 1690
Possible genealogy of William Cater

The Warren Family of Great and Little Munden
submitted by John Wareham, who has lived most of his life in Australia, and whose father’s family originated in the Mundens.

Some notes from the vestry minutes of Little and Great Munden
submitted by John Wareham, who has lived most of his life in Australia, and whose father’s family originated in the Mundens.

The Livings family
Submitted by Andy Robinson

The Chauncys of Little Munden
A series of articles written by Jackie Morris for the parish newsletter, 2001

Thomas Arnold, 19th century Publican and Farmer
Extracted from ‘The Protected Valley: A History of Little Munden’ by Anne Rowe

Little Munden Parish Records 17th and 18th Century
Very useful general information about Little Munden records.

A list of surnames
Occurring in the parish records of Little Munden

Cuffley family
About the Cuffley family of Little Munden

Genealogical Links