Names found in Little Munden parish records
compiled and submitted by Peter Cuffley
Here is a list of some of the names occurring in the parish records of Little Munden:
Adams Adcocke Andrew Anthony Archer Atkinson Ayres | Baites Baker Barbmaker Bardoll Bateman Benn Berrisford Bexfield Birchinhead Bisco Bowstaid Browne Bydes | Cann Cardwell Carter Cater Chandler Chapman Churchman Clark Cobham Cocke Colt Cooper Cuffley Culner | Day | Edwards | Facie | Gable Gambling Gardner Gilby Ginn Goodwin Grave Grubb | Hickes Hill Huberstone Hunter Hyne | Ireland |
Kempton Kent Kirbie Kitchin | Lamkthorne Laundie Lawrence Lincoln | Mansell Marshall Marson Meade Michell Mirridith Morrisay Moore Morris Mountfort | Nash Newton Nicolson North | Parker Parnell Peirson Perrie Plomer Potterill | Richardson Ridsdaile Rowley | Sowthill Spence Spicer Suell | Thurgood Trotter Trumdale Trundale | Walker Walters Warner Waters Wiseman Warren Wood |